Saturday, February 26, 2011

Focus Till Your Crosseyed


Dale Carnegie once pointed to something that became an ultimate truth. He said:

"You can conquer almost any fear
if you will only make up your mind to do so.
For remember, fear doesn't exist anywhere
except in the mind."

We humans often think we can handle the challenges of our lives and make decisions based on our gut instinct instead of wisdom, knowledge and personal experience. When we make decisions based on our guts we can do very well for a time. But soon we run into an obstacle or a problem and then that fear sets in and we find ourselves lost or confused because it is new or alien to us and we can’t easily overcome our obstacles or our fears.
Carnegie also said the following when he asked his audience this question:
Are you focused on opportunities or obstacles?
Whatever the answer, I’m willing to bet that’s exactly what you’re finding in your life.


Because I’m a big believer in the universal law that states, “What you focus on expands.”
Put another way, your field of focus determines what you find in life.
If you focus on opportunities, you’ll find them.
Focus on obstacles and you’ll find those.

Fear Not
The ability to overcome the obstacles and tread on your fears comes from the heart and your networking mindset that should always be looking for opportunities to learn, grow and find adventure in new territories of life.

Engage your mind, focus your thoughts and believe all things are possible"
"Lust after a victorious mindset that gives you chills of happiness to spread to others
"-Chip Esajian

 Esajian refers to our reaction to small failures, obstacles and disappointments. It is in these times that we crawl back into ourselves and find doubt and despair, sometimes we find depression.

The necessary reaction we must have is that of an adventurer who when confronted with an uncrossable river, an unclimbable mountain or finds himself in a pit of live poisonous snakes, always looks for a  positive way to  overcome those obstacles by going straight through the fears and  on to the next victory.

MLM Motivation

Your mlm motivation is centered on having, owning and running a very successful business without ever having the education, skills or training.  That is the adventure and you are going to run into situations that are tough; especially since you deal with people in your business.

Remember this when it comes to dealing with people;

There is no use whatsoever trying to help people who do not help themselves. You cannot push anyone up a ladder unless he is willing to climb himself.
Andrew Carnegie

Emerson gave us further guidance about our attitudes and our successes:

“It is often said by successful Independent Representatives that the greatest joy and benefit of the business is the opportunity to help others have a better life. Who could ask for more? The Independent Representatives who pass on their success to others do indeed succeed. As Emerson stated, they succeed because they have made another life breathe easier because they have lived and because they have shared.”

“That is what it means to succeed.”
He said: “To laugh often and much; To win the respect of intelligent people and affection of children; To earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends; To appreciate beauty; To find the best in others; To leave the world a bit better; whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition; To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived, this is to have succeeded.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Ease your pain by making your decisions with the gift of wisdom, the power of knowledge and the leverage of personal experience. Knowing How to succeed in network marketing will give you the advantages that others do not have. Increase your knowledge with education.
May God Bless and Keep You All
Steve Turner           “Steveyt”
Just take the first step: Success in 10 Steps

Thursday, February 3, 2011

An Extraordinary Mindset

The MLM Secret You cannot win without!
Your mlm Mindset is more important than the company you choose to work with, the sponsor, team, the product or anything else that is associated with your business.
This is the one thing that will affect every aspect of your life.  It will exhilarate your relationship with your spouse and family, it will enhance your relationships with friends and acquaintances. It will affect the way you think and you will make your decisions differently. You will find yourself excited about things that previously were not even close to being on your priority list.  Failures will no longer be failures, they will be lessons and stepping stones that move you forward and toward all that you have chosen for yourself. Some have been able to rid themselves of depression; others have turned low self-esteem into pride.
If you never started your own business and only wanted to improve yourself, then this is the way to do it. Every great leader in History knew this one fact.
That to have more, you need to Be more.
So all of them studied and partook of the Personal Development that was available.
Abraham Lincoln once said that if he had a big tree to cut down and only 6 hours to do it, he would spend 4 hours sharpening his axe. The axe is symbolic of the mindset it would take to get the tree cut down. Be sure to heed the experience of all of those who have learned and used an extraordinary mindset to accomplish the greatest achievements in history. There is no such thing as can’t, won’t, or try”.
There is only “I will” and “I will keep going until I do it!”
Your Networking Mindset becomes a product of the changes you have chosen to make within yourself. I have changed. I realize that failures no longer looked or felt like failures. I was never taught How to think only what to think and to never go after more than what you are. Well that is not me, ever again. You have the ability to reprogram yourself and think correctly and determine your life and your future.
You can “Own Your Own Life”
“It is about the Choices You Make and the Actions You Take”
May God Bless and Keep You ALL
Steve Turner    "Steveyts"

Who am I?  

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Watch for the Wisdom and knowledge you need to build your business with relationship and skill.

Get your blueprint for success that will give you the best advantage for Victory.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

THE Magic Info that Changes Your Life

In the famous MLM eBook, “Think and Grow Rich”, the author Napoleon Hill points out the power of decision and the action that follows using the example of the 1776 radical decision by our continental congress to wage war with the most powerful nation on earth and declare our independence and start a new nation.

Ever wonder what our nation would be like if we had lost that war? What would have happened to our founding fathers like George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, or John Hancock? I am sure their punishment would not have been swift or pretty.

The power of that decision still ripples like a tidal wave throughout our society and the world.

Ever heard of Henry Ford? He was the inventor of the automobile and the internal combustion engine. His wonderfully intelligent scientist and engineers said that they could not make the v’ shaped engine work. They wanted to give up the design and keep what was already in place. Ford told them No, to keep going and find the answers. Thanks to that decision we now enjoy the V8 and the V6 and some people have a V12 engine. Thanks to his determination and the action to keep going when all else failed.

Insanity is defined as expecting a different result from doing the same thing over and over! Einstein

To affect any change in our lives we must change the way we think. We must first decide what we want and then decide how we are going to get there.

We choose for ourselves!

The real problem is when we fear the power of a decision. The only time we should fear a decision is when we make it impulsively or when all of our research says no and we do it anyway. That is when we need to be careful.
I am now 60 years old. At the age of 19, I made a decision to join the U.S. Air Force. Because of that decision I was sent to an Air Force technical school in Illinois. I met my wife of nearly 40 years while stationed there. I have a whole life to tell you about that includes children, parents, places I have lived and been stationed and oh so much more.
However, when I made that decision at 19 years old, I could have easily chosen the Marines, or another branch of service. Heck I was in the position to simply leave home and bust out on my own. Looking back, I wonder what would my life would have been if I had chosen differently. Think about the decisions you have made and you will discover; “THE LIFE YOU HAVE NOW IS THE LIFE YOU CHOSE TO HAVE.”
What I now know is this, when we make a decision there are many possible outcomes. Some of them we know right away. If I steal, I will go to jail. If I cheat on my wife, my life will surely change as I will lose her. So even today, I have to weigh every decision and make sure that what I decide moves me forward and upward to the next level and I will reap rewards instead of pay consequences.

The first decision that we have to make is that we are going to do something about our lives that will move us toward the lifestyle we want and to have the things we wish to have for ourselves and those whose lives, we wish to impact.

You now are making decisions. Make your decisions with all the knowledge and information available. Network marketing eBooks  are valuable resources for the entrepreneur who is looking to create his income from home and own his own life. Your journey begins with the next step. Make it a wise and magical choice.

May God Bless and Keep You All
Steve Turner       “Steveyt”

Who am I?   

Join Me here:  

Watch for the Wisdom and knowledge you need to build your business with relationship and skill.

Get your blueprint for success that will give you the best advantage for Victory.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

MLM Truth- Build-it-Once and Enjoy-it-for-Life

Your MLM/Network Marketing Business is not easy; It is however simple to do when you know the
How 2's of building Your MLM.
When developing your network marketing business you really need to know the How 2's about mlm lead generation, the how 2's about mlm training and maintaining your network marketing downline, how 2 develop lifelong residual income for yourself and loved ones, how 2 make sure you are getting the mentoring and coaching you need, and how 2 know if your company gives you the best chance of succeeding or if they are all about profits for themselves.
Having been in and around this industry for more than 20 years; I have seen the worst and the best. I have failed and I have succeeded. So I have made it my business to learn the good and the bad about our industry, its companies and how 2 build this business once and build it for life.
If you need it we can find it, if you want it we can show you the way, and if I can't find it in my answer log, I will find the answer and get it 2 you.
We are here to point you in the right direction which will give you the best possible chance of succeeding in this industry. This website is intended to point you to all the information we can which will help you make wise and serious decisions about your network marketing future.
You will be able to base your decisions on mlm truths, not scams or lies that have plagued the network marketing industry. We will point out some of the most important mlm secrets you will need to have in your arsenal of network marketing tools to be successful. We will provide some very important KEYS to your MLM Success.
Your MLM/Network Marketing Business is all about "The Choices You Make and the Actions You Take".
If you can't find your answer here we offer our web address and our favorite communications Blog where you can post your comments or questions and we will find the answer for you.
So take a look around, enjoy your visit and let us know what you think. We will challenge you and get to know you a little and we will look for all the ways we can help you.
One of the serious keys to victory in the MLM/ Network Marketing business starts with a game plan. The best game plan for your business is contained in the following   Free eBook. Download it free and read it. You will learn from the finest millionaire Network Marketer in the industry who is willing to give away all he knows and has experienced in over 30 years of network marketing.

Who am I?   

Join Me here:  

Watch for the Wisdom and knowledge you need to build your business with relationship and skill.

Get your blueprint for success that will give you the best advantage for Victory.

Monday, January 31, 2011

MLM Success Tip - Build a Solid Foundation of Trust


In these reports, I plan to pass on some extraordinary truths that have been revealed to me through my pursuit of wisdom knowledge and understanding.  I pass these lessons on to my groups and blogs so that hopefully you may prosper in your Life and relationships

TRUST- Defined


I recently came across this article by someone whom I have followed for a long time; Mr. John C Maxwell. He describes better than anyone what it means to develop trust and how valuable it is in every relationship. It is an integral part of Leadership and an essential element of any other relationship.

Without trust, every relationship is doomed to fail and is only temporary. Trust is necessary in ALL good relationships. From marriages, to business relationships and friendships all require trust.
Gaining the trust of others!

Research has been done, and interviews made, and surveys have shown, that those who cultivate the character trait of trust do so by doing the following.
  • Maintain integrity.
  • Openly communicate vision and values.
  • Show respect for employees as equal partners.
  • Focus on shared goals rather than personal agendas.
  • Do the right thing regardless of personal risk.
  • Listen with an open mind.
  • Demonstrate compassion.
  • Maintain confidences. {the list from John Maxwell’s article}
He also adds that one of the most important ways to GAIN trust is to be willing to GIVE trust.
Everyone wants to be trusted. Don’t you? If you show trust in others then you too will be trusted.
“To be trusted is a greater compliment than to be loved.”
~George MacDonald

Professional Trust Cultivators

Take a look at our politicians; they try to invoke a sense of Trust within their constituency. They make promises they never keep and speak with forked tongue just to win the elections. However, they understand the way to gain trust very well and even falsely portray that wonderful character trait.

So it is my opinion that trust also takes time to cultivate. You will know the leopards as they show their spots. Actions speak a lot louder than words. People are who they really are in private, and unless you live with someone, you will never know exactly who they are.

So my policy has always been to accept everyone as who they present themselves to be and take the chance that they are a reflection of your first impression of them. They will, in Time, let you know who they truly are.

You can never win trust, if you do not give it.  Be sure you are the person of Trust and let everyone else expose who they really are.

May God Bless and Prosper each and every one of you!
Steve and Debbie Turner